

Academic staff and graduate students may visit the library to run their research papers to check for originality through this software.

Suggest a Purchase

Library users are welcome to make recommendations for the purchase of library materials.

Returning of Library Materials

Return books at the designated book drop stations. Books may be returned personally or through a courier service.

Reprographic Services

Reproduction of library materials is through photocopying, scanning, or printing.

Remote Access to e-Resources

Access the library’s e-resources remotely 24/7 using your active library account.


Interested library users are referred to other libraries to access their resources.

Microfilm Reader and Printer

The Library has microfilm readers and a microfilm reader printer available for use in the Serials section (6/F). The use of the reader is free of charge. However, the microfilm printing fee is Php 5.00/page. Library patrons may view the local newspapers (1990-present) and the Philippine map on microfilms

Library User Education

The library conducts online and in-person orientation, e-resources tutorials, and specialized instruction to teach library research skills and promote information literacy.

Library Tour/Benchmarking

Scheduled tours are available for individuals and groups upon request. Requests should be addressed to:


Ms. Maria Cecilia D. Lobo, RL, MLIS

Chief Librarian

E-mail address:

Tel. nos.: (632) 8-731-3034 / (632) 8-880-1611 loc. 8234

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

The library facilitates book borrowing from partner institutions on behalf of the library user if not available in the library.

Document Delivery

Get full-text e-journal articles and book chapters from alternative sources on top of the library’s subscribed databases.


Scanning various pages from the library’s printed collection, taking strict consideration of the copyright law, is also under this service.

Current Awareness

Informs the users of the library’s new acquisitions and promotes its collections through the website and social media pages.

Borrowing of Library Materials

Check out printed books from the library, onsite or online, following the Circulation policy. Books may be picked up personally, through a representative, or through a courier service at the designated pick-up location. 

Books may be returned on site, in the General Circulation Section, or at the designated book drop stations through a courier.

Book a Room

Meeting and study rooms are available for reservations on a first-come, first-served basis.

Ask A Librarian

Reference assistance is provided via online chat, email, phone call, and virtual appointment.


+63-2-8786-1611 loc. 8234


Library Canvas Course Site

Library Virtual Office